Entry #9 Secret Agenda of the Social Media?

 As we continue to discuss and talk about media topics, I have found myself becoming more aware and critical of the media that surrounds us on a daily basis. Before this class, I never really paid much attention to the influence of media on my thoughts and behaviors, but now, I can't seem to escape it.

One of the main things I have been noticing is the behaviors of people around me and how they are linked to certain media outlets. It's almost as if the media has a power to dictate our actions and opinions, whether we realize it or not. For example, I have noticed friends and family members engaging in heated debates about political issues, and when I ask them where they got their information from, it is often from a biased news source that aligns with their beliefs. This has made me realize the importance of being critical and finding information from multiple sources.

I have also become more critical of the news and other television shows. In the past, I would just accept whatever was being reported as truth, but now I find myself fact-checking and researching to ensure that I am getting accurate information. The rise of fake news has made me more cautious about what I believe and share with others.

Photo From Google.

Though, I have noticed the impact of media on my own thoughts and behaviors. As a college student, I spend a significant amount of time on social media, and I have become more aware of the carefully chosen and sometimes unrealistic images and lifestyles that are showed in media. This has made me more conscious of comparing myself to others and the impact it can have on my self-esteem.

In terms of my perception of media, I have started to deconstruct the messages and secret agendas behind advertisements, TV shows, and movies. I have also become more aware of the lack of diversity and representation in the media, and how this can produce really harmful stereotypes.

In all honesty, this class has really opened my eyes to the power and influence of media in our society. It has made me more critical and analytical in my consumption of media. It has encouraged me to seek out more perspectives and question the messages that are being given to us as a whole society. Being in college has taught me the value of critical thinking and being able to form my own opinions, and I believe that media literacy is a very important skill to have in today's media consumed world. 


  1. Media definitely has a greater impact than it seems at first glance. It is important to be cautious and critical of information you receive from media sources, even when discarding fake news and other misinformation.


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